
domingo, 17 de março de 2013

Earn easy money

AdSense for content is a service that allows website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying Google ads on the content network pages of their websites. The ads are related to what your users are looking for on your site. Thus, they help improve your web pages and content at the same time, generate gain.
Through AdSense, ads network advertisers are running on Google's content network pages like this nameadog.com.

Google AdSense is free, and you earn money when users view or click on the ads on your site, depending on the type of ad. For more information, see the sections below:
How it works?

Google places ads CPC (cost per click) and deCPM (cost per thousand impressions) relevant in the same auction and lets them compete with each other. The auction takes place instantaneously and when it ends, our system automatically chooses the advertisers that want to pay the higher values.

Let users back to your site with targeted ads contexto.Você want to earn more money from advertising, but does not want to show irrelevant ads to your users. Google AdSense solves this problem by automatically displaying text ads, image ads, link units and mobile ads last generation that are precisely targeted to your site and your site content. These ads combine so well that users will find them useful.

Access to thousands of advertisers with minimal effort. Google AdSense displays ads from our vast network of AdWords advertisers. Our advertisers range from global brands to small local companies, in categories ranging from education to travel, mortgage outdoor furniture and everything.
What features are provided by Google AdSense?

Block unwanted ads: you can filter your competitors' ads or other ads you want to keep out of your site. Simply tell which URLs should be blocked.

Choose your own default ads: in the unlikely event that Google can not display targeted ads on your page, allow you to display an ad alternativode your choice. This ensures that your advertising space is always used efficiently.

Customize ads to complement your site: allow you to customize the appearance of your ads to match the look of your website. Choose an option from our predefined color palettes or create your own palette from over 200 colors.

Track your earnings with online reports: with Google AdSense, you can monitor the performance of your ad with customizable online reports that offer details like the number of ad impressions, clicks and click through rate. Our flexible reporting tools allow you to track the performance of specific ad formats, colors and pages and also identify trends quickly and easily.

Display ads on your mobile website last generation: our crawler is smart enough to detect which types of users are using their phones. With AdSense for content, display your ads more optimized, regardless of the device used by your users to view your site.

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