Tons of colors
The shades of colors ranging from the lightest to the darkest, but always within the same color. Get a subtle harmony between color tones is a complicated job. One way to reach this subtlety to keep in mind is the color wheel to see which colors are true.
When two colors of different families oppose (green and red, orange and blue, purple and yellow), we speak of "contrast". But the "contrast" is possible to master, ie it is possible to combine "contrasts" that stand up fairly well because enhances any decor.
Is to combine different colors of families with precision and accuracy. The three colors are ideal balance allocated for housing in the following amounts: 80% of the surface of the dominant color, 15% of the second and the third only 5%.
Volumes and colors
The colors in one important way influence the perception of things. Thanks to them, we can enhance the quality of a dwelling, or on the other hand, emphasize its flaws. We'll show you some examples: To lower the height of the ceiling, we should paint it a dark color, which give the impression of being close to the ground. To correct perspective, we can paint a line on the wall of a certain color, and repeat this on every wall of partition. This will allow you to capture attention and influence the perception of the house.
Another way to achieve a harmony of colors is the correct accessories and decorative accessories. Tissues, for example, are one of the decorations that add color easily to the site: curtains, cushions, towels, fabrics, furniture ... We can change color according to the seasons.
The decorative accessories can also help you. Scented candles, wreaths, frames and moldings ... Currently you can find decorative accessories too varied to suit all tastes, and all colors for any decorating style. Not to forget the flowers. Fresh flowers add a touch of color and joy to the decor. A branch on a table, a wreath hanging above a fireplace or in the center of a table ...
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